Democratic Services Committee - Thursday 29 September 2016, 2:00pm - Pembrokeshire County Council
Democratic Services Committee
Thursday, 29th September 2016 at 2:00pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Agenda item :
1 Apologies for Absence
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Agenda item :
2 Declarations of Interest
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Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Agenda item :
3 Minutes of Previous Meeting
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Agenda item :
4 Improving scrutiny effectiveness
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Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Cllr Keith Lewis (Independent Plus)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Cllr Viv Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Mr Nick Evans (Partnership and Scrutiny Support Manager)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Mr Nick Evans (Partnership and Scrutiny Support Manager)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Mr Nick Evans (Partnership and Scrutiny Support Manager)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Cllr Keith Lewis (Independent Plus)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Agenda item :
5 Outcomes from final Overview and Scrutiny Committees - lessons learnt and impact on way ahead
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Mr Nick Evans (Partnership and Scrutiny Support Manager)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Cllr Viv Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Cllr Keith Lewis (Independent Plus)
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Mr Nick Evans (Partnership and Scrutiny Support Manager)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Agenda item :
6 Induction / Training update
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Mrs Victoria Hall (Principal Learning and Development Adviser)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Cllr Keith Lewis (Independent Plus)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Cllr Viv Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Mrs Victoria Hall (Principal Learning and Development Adviser)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Cllr Viv Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Mrs Victoria Hall (Principal Learning and Development Adviser)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Mrs Susan Sanders (Committee Services Manager)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Mrs Susan Sanders (Committee Services Manager)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Cllr Viv Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Cllr Keith Lewis (Independent Plus)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Agenda item :
8 Draft Public speaking protocol
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Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Mr Nick Evans (Partnership and Scrutiny Support Manager)
Cllr Viv Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mrs Susan Sanders (Committee Services Manager)
Cllr Viv Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mrs Susan Sanders (Committee Services Manager)
Cllr Viv Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Cllr Viv Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Keith Lewis (Independent Plus)
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Mr Nick Evans (Partnership and Scrutiny Support Manager)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Cllr Keith Lewis (Independent Plus)
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Plaid Cymru Group)
Agenda item :
7 Annual Member's reports
- Minutes , 29/06/2016 Democratic Services Committee, opens in new tab
- ATEBOL-A8198 Draft Minutes DSC 29 06 16-1, opens in new tab
- Improving scrutiny effectiveness, opens in new tab
- Appendix/Atodiad A, opens in new tab
- Outcomes from final Overview and Scrutiny Committees, opens in new tab
- Induction/Training update, opens in new tab
- Appendix/Atodiad A, opens in new tab
- Annual Member's Reports, opens in new tab
- Draft Public speaking protocol, opens in new tab
- Appendix/Atodiad A, opens in new tab
Principal Learning and Development Adviser