Planning Delegation Panel - Wednesday 5 October 2016, 10:00am - Pembrokeshire County Council
Planning Delegation Panel
Wednesday, 5th October 2016 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
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Cllr Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Planning Officer
Planning Officer
Cllr Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Agenda item :
3 Local Member request for Planning Application to be referred to the Planning and Rights of Way Committee - Planning Application No 16/0581 - Land northwest of Talar Aur, Croft Farm, Llantood, Cardigan
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Gethin Beynon Planning Officer
Cllr Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Cllr Michael James (Independent Group)
Cllr Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Cllr John Davies (Independent Group)
Cllr Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Cllr Steve Yelland (Conservative Group)
Cllr Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Cllr Myles Pepper (Independent Group)
Cllr John Davies (Independent Group)
Cllr Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Cllr Steve Yelland (Conservative Group)
Head of Planning
Cllr Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Cllr Peter Alan Stock (Pembrokeshire Alliance Group)
Cllr Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Head of Planning
Cllr Peter Alan Stock (Pembrokeshire Alliance Group)
Cllr Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Cllr Steve Yelland (Conservative Group)
Cllr Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Cllr Steve Yelland (Conservative Group)
Cllr Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Cllr Myles Pepper (Independent Group)
Cllr Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Cllr John Davies (Independent Group)
Cllr Michael James (Independent Group)
Cllr Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Webcast Finished