Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Thursday 16 March 2017, 10:00am - Pembrokeshire County Council
Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 16th March 2017 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for Absence
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Agenda item :
2 Declarations of Interest
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Agenda item :
4 Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting
Agenda item :
6 Social Care Budget Scrutiny - Quarter 3 2016-17
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Mr Jonathan Griffiths (Director of Social Services)
Mr Jonathan Griffiths (Director of Social Services)
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Cllr Simon Hancock (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Lyn Margaret Jenkins (Independent Plus)
Mr Jonathan Griffiths (Director of Social Services)
Mrs Christine Harrison (Head of Joint Strategic Commissioning)
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Cllr Lyn Margaret Jenkins (Independent Plus)
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Cllr John Davies (Independent Group)
Mr Jonathan Griffiths (Director of Social Services)
Cllr John Davies (Independent Group)
Nicola Lewis
Cllr John Davies (Independent Group)
Mr Jonathan Griffiths (Director of Social Services)
Cllr John Davies (Independent Group)
Nicola Lewis
Mrs Christine Harrison (Head of Joint Strategic Commissioning)
Nicola Lewis
Cllr John Davies (Independent Group)
Nicola Lewis
Cllr Simon Hancock (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Cllr Phil Baker (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Jonathan Griffiths (Director of Social Services)
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Cllr Stephen Joseph (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Jonathan Griffiths (Director of Social Services)
Cllr Stephen Joseph (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Jonathan Griffiths (Director of Social Services)
Cllr Stephen Joseph (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Jonathan Griffiths (Director of Social Services)
Cllr Stephen Joseph (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Jonathan Griffiths (Director of Social Services)
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Mr Jonathan Griffiths (Director of Social Services)
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Cllr Keith Lewis (Independent Plus)
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Mrs Christine Harrison (Head of Joint Strategic Commissioning)
Cllr Keith Lewis (Independent Plus)
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Agenda item :
7 Cultural Services Scrutiny
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- Cultural Servces Cover Report Final March 2016
- Appendix 1 - Cultural Services SIP 201617
- Cultural Services - Monitorig Report - App.2
- Appendix 3 - Cultural Services Risk Register Feb 2017 (2)
- Appendix 4 - Welsh Public Library Standards 2014-17
- Appendix 5 - Archive Service Accreditated Letter
- Appendix 6 - Scolton Manor Management Plan Jan 2016 (2)
Mr Mike Cavanagh (Head of Leisure & Cultural Services)
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Cllr Jonathan Preston (Plaid Cymru Group)
Mr Mike Cavanagh (Head of Leisure & Cultural Services)
Cllr Jonathan Preston (Plaid Cymru Group)
Mr Mike Cavanagh (Head of Leisure & Cultural Services)
Cllr Phil Baker (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Mike Cavanagh (Head of Leisure & Cultural Services)
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Cllr John Davies (Independent Group)
Mr Mike Cavanagh (Head of Leisure & Cultural Services)
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Cllr Stephen Joseph (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Mike Cavanagh (Head of Leisure & Cultural Services)
Cllr Stephen Joseph (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Mike Cavanagh (Head of Leisure & Cultural Services)
Cllr Stephen Joseph (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Mike Cavanagh (Head of Leisure & Cultural Services)
Cllr Stephen Joseph (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Mike Cavanagh (Head of Leisure & Cultural Services)
Cllr Stephen Joseph (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Mike Cavanagh (Head of Leisure & Cultural Services)
Cllr Stephen Joseph (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Mike Cavanagh (Head of Leisure & Cultural Services)
Cllr Stephen Joseph (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Mike Cavanagh (Head of Leisure & Cultural Services)
Cllr Stephen Joseph (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Mike Cavanagh (Head of Leisure & Cultural Services)
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Cllr Keith Lewis (Independent Plus)
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Mr Mike Cavanagh (Head of Leisure & Cultural Services)
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Cllr Keith Lewis (Independent Plus)
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Webcast Finished
- $$Agenda$L, opens in new tab
- Minutes , 24/01/2017 Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee, opens in new tab
- Minutes Welsh(F), opens in new tab
- Minutes , 15/02/2017 Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee, opens in new tab
- $$Minutes$L, opens in new tab
- Social Care Cover Report Final March 2016, opens in new tab
- Cultural Servces Cover Report Final March 2016, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 - Cultural Services SIP 201617, opens in new tab
- Cultural Services - Monitorig Report - App.2, opens in new tab
- Appendix 3 - Cultural Services Risk Register Feb 2017 (2), opens in new tab
- Appendix 4 - Welsh Public Library Standards 2014-17, opens in new tab
- Appendix 5 - Archive Service Accreditated Letter, opens in new tab
- Appendix 6 - Scolton Manor Management Plan Jan 2016 (2), opens in new tab