Annual Council - Thursday 25 May 2017, 11:00am - Pembrokeshire County Council
Annual Council
Thursday, 25th May 2017 at 11:00am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr John Anthony Brinsden (Not affiliated to any Group)
Agenda item :
2 Declarations of Interest
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Miss Claire Jones (Monitoring Officer)
Cllr John Anthony Brinsden (Not affiliated to any Group)
Agenda item :
3 Outgoing Chairman's Review of Year of Office
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Cllr John Anthony Brinsden (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr John Anthony Brinsden (Not affiliated to any Group)
Agenda item :
4 Election of Chairman for the ensuing Municipal Year
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Cllr Pat Davies (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr John Anthony Brinsden (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Michael James (Independent Group)
Cllr John Anthony Brinsden (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr John Anthony Brinsden (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr John Anthony Brinsden (Not affiliated to any Group)
Agenda item :
5 Chairman's Oath of Office and Acceptance Speech
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Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr John Anthony Brinsden (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Agenda item :
6 Vote of Thanks to Outgoing Chairman
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Cllr Jamie Adams (Independent Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Agenda item :
7 Election of Vice-Chairman for the ensuing Municipal Year
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Mr Ian Westley (Chief Executive)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Jamie Adams (Independent Group)
Cllr Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Jamie Adams (Independent Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Ian Westley (Chief Executive)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Ian Westley (Chief Executive)
Cllr Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Agenda item :
8 Presentations
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Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Agenda item :
9 Election of Leader of Council
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Cllr Michael Evans (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Guy Woodham (Labour Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr David Simpson (Not Affiliated to Any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr David Simpson (Not Affiliated to Any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Agenda item :
10 The Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2017 - Planning Committees
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Cllr David Simpson (Not Affiliated to Any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Agenda item :
11 Allocation of Committees to Political Groups and Review of Allocation of Representation on Politically Balanced Outside Bodies
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Cllr David Simpson (Not Affiliated to Any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr David Simpson (Not Affiliated to Any Group)
Cllr Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Rob Summons (Conservative Group)
Cllr Jamie Adams (Independent Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Ian Westley (Chief Executive)
Cllr Michael Evans (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Ian Westley (Chief Executive)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Ian Westley (Chief Executive)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Jamie Adams (Independent Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Rob Summons (Conservative Group)
Cllr Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Cllr Michael Williams (Plaid Cymru Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Jamie Adams (Independent Group)
Cllr Rob Summons (Conservative Group)
Cllr Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Cllr Michael Williams (Plaid Cymru Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Jamie Adams (Independent Group)
Cllr Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Cllr Jamie Adams (Independent Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Pat Davies (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Jamie Adams (Independent Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Ian Westley (Chief Executive)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Ian Westley (Chief Executive)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Agenda item :
12 Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Committees
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Cllr Viv Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Viv Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Tessa Hodgson (Not affiliated to any Group)
Agenda item :
11 Allocation of Committees to Political Groups and Review of Allocation of Representation on Politically Balanced Outside Bodies
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Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Timothy Evans (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr John Cole (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr John Cole (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Agenda item :
12 Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Committees
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Cllr Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Agenda item :
11 Allocation of Committees to Political Groups and Review of Allocation of Representation on Politically Balanced Outside Bodies
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Cllr Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Viv Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Ian Westley (Chief Executive)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Ian Westley (Chief Executive)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Phillip Kidney (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Kevin Doolin (Not affilitated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Ian Westley (Chief Executive)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr John Cole (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Michelle Bateman (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Agenda item :
12 Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Committees
Share this agenda point
Cllr Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Miss Claire Jones (Monitoring Officer)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Michael Williams (Plaid Cymru Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Michael Evans (Not affiliated to any Group)
Miss Claire Jones (Monitoring Officer)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Ian Westley (Chief Executive)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr John Davies (Independent Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Ian Westley (Chief Executive)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Agenda item :
11 Allocation of Committees to Political Groups and Review of Allocation of Representation on Politically Balanced Outside Bodies
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Cllr Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Jamie Adams (Independent Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Agenda item :
13 Independent Member to the Standards Committee
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Cllr David Simpson (Not Affiliated to Any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Miss Claire Jones (Monitoring Officer)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr David Simpson (Not Affiliated to Any Group)
Agenda item :
14 Community Council Membership on the Standards Committee
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Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Agenda item :
15 Independent Member to the Audit Committee
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Cllr David Simpson (Not Affiliated to Any Group)
Cllr Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Agenda item :
16 Calendar of Council Meetings for the Municipal Year :
- Welsh Agenda, opens in new tab
- Report, opens in new tab
- Political Balance Cttee & Ob final, opens in new tab
- Political Balance Cttee & Ob final, opens in new tab
- ANNUAL COUNCIL, opens in new tab
- STANDS CTTEE - COMMUNITY CLLRS, opens in new tab
- AUDIT MEMBER (3), opens in new tab
- Calendar of Meetings - May 2017 - May 2018, opens in new tab