Planning Delegation Panel - Monday 5 March 2018, 10:00am - Pembrokeshire County Council
Planning Delegation Panel
Monday, 5th March 2018 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
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Cllr Tessa Hodgson (Not affiliated to any Group)
Agenda item :
Welsh Agenda Items
Agenda item :
3 Local Member request for Planning Application to be referred to the Planning Committee - Planning Application No 17/0941/PA - 57 & 59 St Issells Avenue, Merlins Bridge, Haverfordwest - Change of use from residential to business use
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Planning Officer
Cllr Tessa Hodgson (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr John Cole (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Tessa Hodgson (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr John Cole (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Tessa Hodgson (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Cllr Tessa Hodgson (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Viv Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr John Cole (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Tessa Hodgson (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Cllr Tessa Hodgson (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr John Cole (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Tessa Hodgson (Not affiliated to any Group)
Planning Officer
Cllr Tessa Hodgson (Not affiliated to any Group)
Planning Officer
Planning Officer
Cllr Tessa Hodgson (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Steve Yelland (Conservative Group)
Cllr Tessa Hodgson (Not affiliated to any Group)
Planning Officer
Cllr Tessa Hodgson (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Cllr Tessa Hodgson (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr John Cole (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Tessa Hodgson (Not affiliated to any Group)
Planning Officer
Cllr Tessa Hodgson (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Cllr Tessa Hodgson (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Cllr Tessa Hodgson (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Cllr Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Cllr Tessa Hodgson (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Tessa Hodgson (Not affiliated to any Group)
Webcast Finished