Standards Committee - Wednesday 8 September 2021, 10:00am - Pembrokeshire County Council
Standards Committee
Wednesday, 8th September 2021 at 10:00am
Please note that due to Covid 19 restrictions County Hall is currently closed to the public and therefore there is no public gallery at Committee Meetings. Due to this the Chairman of the Standards Committee has agreed that on this occasion the parts of the Standards Hearing that would normally be open to the public gallery will be webcast./ Noder: oherwydd cyfyngiadau COVID-19, mae Neuadd y Sir ynghau i'r cyhoedd ar hyn o bryd, ac felly nid oes yna oriel gyhoeddus mewn Cyfarfodydd Pwyllgor. Oherwydd hyn, mae Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Safonau wedi cytuno y bydd y rhannau hynny o'r Gwrandawiad Safonau a fyddai fel arfer yn agored i'r oriel gyhoeddus yn cael eu darlledu ar y we ar yr adeg hon.
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Jenny Capitao
Corinna Kershaw
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for Absence
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Agenda item :
2 Declarations of Interest
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Agenda item :
3 Minutes of Previous Meeting
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Cllr Viv Stoddart
Corinna Kershaw
Cllr Viv Stoddart
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Agenda item :
4 Application for Dispensation - Councillor John Cole
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Corinna Kershaw
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Sian Vaughan
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Suzanne Lewis
Sian Vaughan
Corinna Kershaw
Suzanne Lewis
Suzanne Lewis
Corinna Kershaw
Suzanne Lewis
Suzanne Lewis
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Sian Vaughan
Sian Vaughan
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Sian Vaughan
Corinna Kershaw
Sian Vaughan
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Claire Jones
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Sian Vaughan
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor David Edwards
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Councillor David Edwards
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor David Edwards
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Agenda item :
5 Urgent Applications for Dispensation
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Agenda item :
6 Exclusion of the Public
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Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Webcast Finished
- ., opens in new tab
- 23 June 2021 - English, opens in new tab
- 23 June 2021 - Welsh, opens in new tab
- 12 July 2021 - English, opens in new tab
- 12 July 2021 - Welsh, opens in new tab
- Application for Dispensation - Councillor Jon Cole, opens in new tab
- Members Code of Conduct - Alleged Breach of Former Councillor P Kraus, Pembroke Dock Town Council, opens in new tab