Standards Committee - Tuesday 5 July 2022, 10:00am - Timeline Tab - Pembrokeshire County Council
Standards Committee
Tuesday, 5th July 2022 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Corinna Kershaw
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for Absence
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Agenda item :
2 Declarations of Interest
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Cllr Guy Woodham
Corinna Kershaw
Agenda item :
3 Minutes of Previous Meeting
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Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Paul Richardson
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor David Edwards
Corinna Kershaw
Agenda item :
3 a) 6 April 2022 - English
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Agenda item :
3 b) 6 April 2022 - Welsh
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Agenda item :
4 Application for Dispensation - Councillor Elizabeth Rawlings
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Agenda item :
15 Application for Dispensation - Councillor Michael Williams
Agenda item :
15 Application for Dispensation - Councillor Michael Williams
Agenda item :
4 Application for Dispensation - Councillor Elizabeth Rawlings
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Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Paul Richardson
Corinna Kershaw
Paul Richardson
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Paul Richardson
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Agenda item :
6 Application for Dispensation - Councillor Simon Hancock
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Paul Richardson
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor David Edwards
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Agenda item :
4 Application for Dispensation - Councillor Elizabeth Rawlings
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Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Agenda item :
7 Application for Dispensation - Councillor Brian Hall
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Councillor David Edwards
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Paul Richardson
Corinna Kershaw
Paul Richardson
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor David Edwards
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor David Edwards
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Interim Monitoring Officer
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Paul Richardson
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Cllr Vanessa Thomas
Corinna Kershaw
Agenda item :
12 Application for Dispensation - Councillor Vivien Stoddart
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Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor David Edwards
Paul Richardson
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Nick Watt
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Interim Monitoring Officer
Paul Richardson
Interim Monitoring Officer
Paul Richardson
Councillor David Edwards
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Interim Monitoring Officer
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Interim Monitoring Officer
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Agenda item :
13 Application for Dispensation - Councillor Vivien Stoddart
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Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor David Edwards
Paul Richardson
Corinna Kershaw
Paul Richardson
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Interim Monitoring Officer
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Interim Monitoring Officer
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Paul Richardson
Corinna Kershaw
Paul Richardson
Interim Monitoring Officer
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Paul Richardson
Corinna Kershaw
Paul Richardson
Interim Monitoring Officer
Corinna Kershaw
Paul Richardson
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Interim Monitoring Officer
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor David Edwards
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor David Edwards
Corinna Kershaw
Agenda item :
14 Application for Dispensation - Councillor Terry Davies
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Councillor David Edwards
Corinna Kershaw
Paul Richardson
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Interim Monitoring Officer
Corinna Kershaw
Interim Monitoring Officer
Corinna Kershaw
Agenda item :
16 Application for Dispensation - Councillor Aaron Carey
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Councillor David Edwards
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor David Edwards
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Agenda item :
9 Application for Dispensation - Councillor Michael John
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Councillor David Edwards
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor David Edwards
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor David Edwards
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Interim Monitoring Officer
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Agenda item :
9 Application for Dispensation - Councillor Michael John
Agenda item :
15 Application for Dispensation - Councillor Michael Williams
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Paul Richardson
Corinna Kershaw
Paul Richardson
Corinna Kershaw
Agenda item :
15 Application for Dispensation - Councillor Michael Williams
Agenda item :
10 Application for Dispensation - Councillor Michael Stoddart
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Corinna Kershaw
Jenny Capitao
Corinna Kershaw
Paul Richardson
Corinna Kershaw
Jenny Capitao
Corinna Kershaw
Jenny Capitao
Corinna Kershaw
Jenny Capitao
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor David Edwards
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor David Edwards
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Agenda item :
11 Application for Dispensation - Councillor Michael Stoddart
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Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Councillor David Edwards
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor David Edwards
Corinna Kershaw
Paul Richardson
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Councillor David Edwards
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor David Edwards
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor David Edwards
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Paul Richardson
Corinna Kershaw
Interim Monitoring Officer
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Agenda item :
11 Application for Dispensation - Councillor Michael Stoddart
Agenda item :
8 Application for Dispensation - Councillor Tessa Hodgson
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Jenny Capitao
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Jenny Capitao
Jenny Capitao
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Agenda item :
8 Application for Dispensation - Councillor Tessa Hodgson
Agenda item :
5 Application for Dispensation - Councillor Alec Cormack
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Jenny Capitao
Corinna Kershaw
Jenny Capitao
Corinna Kershaw
Jenny Capitao
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Jenny Capitao
Nick Watt
Jenny Capitao
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor David Edwards
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Agenda item :
17 Urgent Applications for Dispensation
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Agenda item :
18 Date of next meeting
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Jenny Capitao
Corinna Kershaw
Webcast Finished
- ., opens in new tab
- English Minutes - 6 April 2022, opens in new tab
- Welsh Minutes - 6 April 2022, opens in new tab
- Application for Dispensation - Councillor Elizabeth Rawlings, opens in new tab
- Application for Dispensation - Councillor Alec Cormack, opens in new tab
- Application for Dispensation - Councillor Simon Hancock, opens in new tab
- Application for Dispensation - Councillor Brian Hall, opens in new tab
- Application for Dispensation - Councillor Tessa Hodgson, opens in new tab
- Application for Dispensation - Councillor Michael John, opens in new tab
- Application for Dispensation - Councillor Michael Stoddart, opens in new tab
- Application for Dispensation - Councillor Michael Stoddart, opens in new tab
- Application for Dispensation - Councillor Vivien Stoddart, opens in new tab
- Application for Dispensation - Councillor Vivien Stoddart, opens in new tab
- Application for Dispensation - Councillor Terry Davies, opens in new tab
- Application for Dispensation - Councillor Michael Williams, opens in new tab
- Application for Dispensation - Councillor Aaron Carey, opens in new tab
- Appendix/ Atodiad, opens in new tab