Standards Committee - Thursday 9 June 2022, 10:00am - Pembrokeshire County Council
Standards Committee
Thursday, 9th June 2022 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
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Deputy Monitoring Officer
Agenda item :
1 Election of Chair
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Deputy Monitoring Officer
Jenny Capitao
Agenda item :
2 Election of Vice Chair
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Deputy Monitoring Officer
Jenny Capitao
Deputy Monitoring Officer
Corinna Kershaw
Agenda item :
3 Apologies for Absence
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Agenda item :
4 Declarations of Interest
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Councillor David Edwards
Corinna Kershaw
Agenda item :
5 Minutes of Previous Meeting
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Cllr Guy Woodham
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Agenda item :
6 Urgent Applications for Dispensation
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Corinna Kershaw
Agenda item :
7 Members Code of Conduct - Alleged Breach of Former County Councillor P Dowson, Pembrokeshire County Council
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Deputy Monitoring Officer
Deputy Monitoring Officer
Corinna Kershaw
Deputy Monitoring Officer
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Sian Vaughan
Corinna Kershaw
Deputy Monitoring Officer
Corinna Kershaw
Jenny Capitao
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor Hugh Watchman
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Nick Watt
Corinna Kershaw
Ombudsman Wales
Corinna Kershaw
Cllr Guy Woodham
Corinna Kershaw
Councillor David Edwards
Corinna Kershaw
Deputy Monitoring Officer
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Corinna Kershaw
Agenda item :
7 Members Code of Conduct - Alleged Breach of Former County Councillor P Dowson, Pembrokeshire County Council
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Corinna Kershaw
Agenda item :
7 Members Code of Conduct - Alleged Breach of Former County Councillor P Dowson, Pembrokeshire County Council
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Corinna Kershaw
Webcast Finished
- ., opens in new tab
- Minutes , 09/03/2022 Standards Committee, opens in new tab
- Welsh Minutes 9.03.22, opens in new tab
- Members Code of Conduct - Alleged Breach of Former County Councillor P Dowson, Pembrokeshire County Council, opens in new tab
- Hearing Procedures, opens in new tab
- APW Sanctions Guidance, opens in new tab