Licensing Committee - Tuesday 12 September 2017, 10:00am - Cyngor Sir Penfro
Licensing Committee
Dydd Mawrth, 12 Medi 2017 at 10:00am
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
Dechrau'r gweddarllediad
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
1 Apologies for Absence.
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Y Cyng Aaron Carey (Conservative Group)
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Y Cyng John Cole (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Paul Dowson (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Timothy Evans (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Mark Elliott
Sarah Johns
Charlotte Mathias
Y Cyng Rod Bowen (Plaid Cymru Group)
Y Cyng Mark Carter (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng David Pugh (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Committee Clerk
Jeff Harries - Legal Representative
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
2 Declarations of Interest
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Y Cyng Aaron Carey (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
3 Minutes of previous meeting
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
4 Licensing Act 2003 - Annual Report to 31 December 2016
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Mr Mark Elliott
Mr Mark Elliott
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Mr Mark Elliott
Mr Mark Elliott
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Mr Mark Elliott
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Sarah Johns
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Sarah Johns
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Sarah Johns
Charlotte Mathias
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Charlotte Mathias
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Paul Dowson (Not affiliated to any Group)
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Sarah Johns
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Pearl Llewellyn (Not Affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Sarah Johns
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Mark Carter (Conservative Group)
Charlotte Mathias
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Charlotte Mathias
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Charlotte Mathias
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Mr Mark Elliott
Mr Mark Elliott
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Mr Mark Elliott
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Mr Mark Elliott
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Mr Mark Elliott
Mr Mark Elliott
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Pearl Llewellyn (Not Affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Paul Dowson (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Mark Elliott
Mr Mark Elliott
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
5 Gambling Act 2005 - Annual Report to 31 December 2016
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Paul Dowson (Not affiliated to any Group)
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Mark Carter (Conservative Group)
Charlotte Mathias
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Mark Carter (Conservative Group)
Charlotte Mathias
Sarah Johns
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Timothy Evans (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Charlotte Mathias
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Sarah Johns
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Sarah Johns
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
6 Taxi and Private Hire - Annual Report to 31 December 2016
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Pearl Llewellyn (Not Affiliated to any Group)
Sarah Johns
Y Cyng Pearl Llewellyn (Not Affiliated to any Group)
Charlotte Mathias
Y Cyng Pearl Llewellyn (Not Affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Pearl Llewellyn (Not Affiliated to any Group)
Sarah Johns
Y Cyng Pearl Llewellyn (Not Affiliated to any Group)
Sarah Johns
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng John Cole (Not affiliated to any Group)
Charlotte Mathias
Y Cyng John Cole (Not affiliated to any Group)
Charlotte Mathias
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Paul Dowson (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Mark Carter (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Sarah Johns
Y Cyng Mark Carter (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Mark Carter (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Paul Dowson (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Mark Carter (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Sarah Johns
Y Cyng Mark Carter (Conservative Group)
Sarah Johns
Charlotte Mathias
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng David Pugh (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Pearl Llewellyn (Not Affiliated to any Group)
Jeff Harries - Legal Representative
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Aaron Carey (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Mr Mark Elliott
Mr Mark Elliott
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
7 Access for Wheelchair Users to Hackney Carriages and Private Hire Vehicles
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng John Cole (Not affiliated to any Group)
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Mark Carter (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Charlotte Mathias
Y Cyng Mark Carter (Conservative Group)
Charlotte Mathias
Y Cyng Mark Carter (Conservative Group)
Charlotte Mathias
Y Cyng Mark Carter (Conservative Group)
Charlotte Mathias
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Charlotte Mathias
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Charlotte Mathias
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Paul Harries (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Mark Carter (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Webcast Finished
- $$Agenda$L, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Minutes , 28/02/2017 Licensing Committee, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- A12032 $$Minutes cymraeg, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Licensing Act Annual report 2016 Ver 4, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Appendix 2 - Licensing Annual Report 2016 - Pollution Control Function (2), yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Appendix 3 - Contribution to Annual Report Health and Safety (2), yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Appendix 4 - Police Annual report 2016 (2), yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Gambling Annual Report 2016 Ver1 (2), yn agor mewn tab newydd
- LICENSING COMMITTEE taxi report 2016 Ver 1, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- LICENSING COMMITTEE REPORT_Access for Wheelchair Users to Taxis etc, yn agor mewn tab newydd