Partnerships Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Thursday 11 January 2018, 10:00am - Cyngor Sir Penfro
Partnerships Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Dydd Iau, 11 Ionawr 2018 at 10:00am
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
Dechrau'r gweddarllediad
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
1 Apologies for absence
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
2 Declarations of Interest
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
3 Minutes of previous meeting
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
4 Public Submission/Correspondence
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
5 Draft County Council Budget 2018/19 and Medium Term Financial Plan 2018/19 - 2021/22
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Michael John (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng Michael John (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng Michael John (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Simon Hancock (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Y Cyng Guy Woodham (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng Guy Woodham (Labour Group)
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Phillip Kidney (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Y Cyng Phillip Kidney (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng Phillip Kidney (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng Phillip Kidney (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Vic Dennis (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Mr Jonathan Griffiths (Director of Social Services)
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Vic Dennis (Labour Group)
Mr Jonathan Griffiths (Director of Social Services)
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Simon Hancock (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Y Cyng Simon Hancock (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Mr Jonathan Griffiths (Director of Social Services)
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Paul Rapi (Plaid Cymru Group)
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Michael John (Independent Group)
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Ms. Claire George (Scrutiny Support Coordinator)
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Phillip Kidney (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Michael John (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Michael John (Independent Group)
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Paul Rapi (Plaid Cymru Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
5 Draft County Council Budget 2018/19 and Medium Term Financial Plan 2018/19 - 2021/22
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
6 Notice of Motion relating to Collaboration and Sharing Services with other Authorities
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
7 Work Programme
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Ms. Claire George (Scrutiny Support Coordinator)
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Ms. Claire George (Scrutiny Support Coordinator)
Y Cyng Simon Hancock (Not affiliated to any Group)
Ms. Claire George (Scrutiny Support Coordinator)
Y Cyng Michael John (Independent Group)
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Y Cyng David Bryan (Conservative Group)
- $$Agenda$L, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Minutes , 31/10/2017 Partnerships Overview and Scrutiny Committee, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- A14992 (b) $$Minutes-cym AMENDS, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Item 5 Draft Budget cover report (2) (2), yn agor mewn tab newydd
- 14 Dec Budget, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Appendix A, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Appendix B, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Appendix C, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Appendix D, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- 20171220 Final Settlement, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Item 6 - NoM referred to Partnerships Committee on 14-12-17, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Item 7 - Cover Report Forward Work Programme 2017-18, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Item 7a Work programme table 2017 18 (2), yn agor mewn tab newydd