Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Thursday 15 November 2018, 10:00am - Cyngor Sir Penfro
Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Dydd Iau, 15 Tachwedd 2018 at 10:00am
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
Dechrau'r gweddarllediad
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
1 Apologies for Absence
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
2 Declarations of Interest
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
3 Minutes of Previous Meeting
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng David Simpson (Not Affiliated to Any Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
4 Public Submissions / Correspondance
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
5 Legal and Committee Services
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng David Simpson (Not Affiliated to Any Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Michael John (Independent Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Mr Paul Ashley-Jones (Head of Procurement)
Y Cyng Michael John (Independent Group)
Mr Paul Ashley-Jones (Head of Procurement)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Michael John (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Miss Claire Jones (Monitoring Officer)
Mr Paul Ashley-Jones (Head of Procurement)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng David Simpson (Not Affiliated to Any Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Michael John (Independent Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng David Simpson (Not Affiliated to Any Group)
Y Cyng Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Miss Claire Jones (Monitoring Officer)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Miss Claire Jones (Monitoring Officer)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Miss Claire Jones (Monitoring Officer)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Miss Claire Jones (Monitoring Officer)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Miss Claire Jones (Monitoring Officer)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Michael Williams (Plaid Cymru Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng David Simpson (Not Affiliated to Any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Michael Williams (Plaid Cymru Group)
Miss Claire Jones (Monitoring Officer)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
6 Integrated Budget Monitoring - Quarter 2 2018-19
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
- Item 6 - Cover Report Integrated Budget Q2 2018-19
- Item 6a - Budget Monitoring Report Quarter 2 - Cabinet
- Item 6 - Appendix A Revenue Report P6
- Item 6 - Appendix B Cost Reduction Report
- Item 6 - Appendix C Qtr 2 Capital Monitoring
- Item 6 - Appendix D Reserves Pd 6
- Item 6 - Appendix E Treasury Indicators
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Michael John (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng Michael John (Independent Group)
Y Cyng David Simpson (Not Affiliated to Any Group)
Y Cyng Samuel Kurtz (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Michael Williams (Plaid Cymru Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Y Cyng Thomas Tudor (Labour Group)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng David Howlett (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng David Howlett (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Michael John (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Y Cyng Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Alison Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Y Cyng Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng Michael Williams (Plaid Cymru Group)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng David Simpson (Not Affiliated to Any Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
7 Financial Regulations
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
8 Contract Procedure Rules
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Mr Paul Ashley-Jones (Head of Procurement)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Michael John (Independent Group)
Mr Paul Ashley-Jones (Head of Procurement)
Y Cyng Michael John (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
9 Pembrokeshire County Council's Transformation Programme
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Y Cyng Neil Prior (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Neil Prior (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Neil Prior (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Neil Prior (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Neil Prior (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Neil Prior (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng David Simpson (Not Affiliated to Any Group)
Y Cyng Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Neil Prior (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Alison Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Neil Prior (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
10 Notice of Motion re Legal Opinion
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Miss Claire Jones (Monitoring Officer)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Michael John (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Michael John (Independent Group)
Miss Claire Jones (Monitoring Officer)
Y Cyng David Simpson (Not Affiliated to Any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Miss Claire Jones (Monitoring Officer)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng David Howlett (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Miss Claire Jones (Monitoring Officer)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Michael John (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
11 Public Services Ombudsman's for Wales Annual Letter 2017/18
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Miss Claire Jones (Monitoring Officer)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Ms. Claire George (Scrutiny Support Coordinator)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
12 Referral from Audit Committee on Internal Communications Relating to the Council's Police Complaint
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Y Cyng Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Ms. Claire George (Scrutiny Support Coordinator)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Michael John (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Reg Owens (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng David Howlett (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Alison Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
13 Forward Work Programme
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Ms. Claire George (Scrutiny Support Coordinator)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Ms. Claire George (Scrutiny Support Coordinator)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Michael John (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Michael John (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Michael John (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng David Howlett (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Mike Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Alison Tudor (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Webcast Finished
- Welsh Agenda Items, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Minutes , 18/09/2018 Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Corporate OS Minutes 18.09.18 CYM, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Item 5 - Legal and Committee Service O+S report 2018, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Item 5a - Legal and Democratic Services Flow Chart 27.09.2018, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Item 5b - Legal and Committee 1819, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Item 6 - Cover Report Integrated Budget Q2 2018-19, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Item 6a - Budget Monitoring Report Quarter 2 - Cabinet, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Item 6 - Appendix A Revenue Report P6, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Item 6 - Appendix B Cost Reduction Report, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Item 6 - Appendix C Qtr 2 Capital Monitoring, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Item 6 - Appendix D Reserves Pd 6, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Item 6 - Appendix E Treasury Indicators, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Item 7 - CR Financial Regs, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Item 7a - 20181026 Main Financial Regulations V6, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Item 8 - CR Contract Procedure rules, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Item 8a - Contract_Procedure_Rules Oct 18 DRAFT, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Item 9 - Cover report Transformation Programme, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Transformation Board Minutes Cover Report for Cabinet - Minutes, 05/11/2018 Cabinet, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Appendix / Atodiad, 05/11/2018 Cabinet, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Item 10 - NoM Legal Advice, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Item 10a - NoM legal advice supporting paper, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Item 11 - Ombudsmans Letter 17-18, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Item 11a - Ombudsman Annual Letter Pembrokeshire - ENG, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Referal from Audit, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Item 12- Cover Report Forward Work Programme 2018-19, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Item 12a Corporate OS Committee DRAFT Forward Work Programme Nov 2018, yn agor mewn tab newydd


















