Policy and Pre-decision Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 12 November 2019, 10:00am - Cyngor Sir Penfro
Policy and Pre-decision Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Dydd Mawrth, 12 Tachwedd 2019 at 10:00am
We are currently experiencing some technical issues with a couple of our microphones for today's meeting and this is being looked into. We apologise for any in-convenience.
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
Dechrau'r gweddarllediad
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
1 Apologies for absence
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
2 Declarations of Interest
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Y Cyng Michael Evans (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Kevin Doolin (Not affilitated to any Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
3 Minutes of Previous Meeting
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
4 Public Submission/Correspondence
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
5 Community Asset Transfer Policy
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Dilys Burrell
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Ms. Helen McLeod-Baikie (Chief Property Officer)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Vic Dennis (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Anthony Baron (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng Anthony Baron (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng Anthony Baron (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Ms. Helen McLeod-Baikie (Chief Property Officer)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Huw George (Independent Group)
Ms. Helen McLeod-Baikie (Chief Property Officer)
Y Cyng Huw George (Independent Group)
Dilys Burrell
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Dilys Burrell
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
7 Communications Review
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Y Cyng Neil Prior (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Michelle Bateman (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Mr Richard Edwards Finance &Transformation Officer
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Vic Dennis (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Neil Prior (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Huw George (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Neil Prior (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Anthony Baron (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Neil Prior (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Michael James (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Neil Prior (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Huw George (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Anthony Baron (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Paul Dowson (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Neil Prior (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Vic Dennis (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Neil Prior (Not affiliated to any Group)
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Y Cyng Neil Prior (Not affiliated to any Group)
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Pearl Llewellyn (Not Affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Pearl Llewellyn (Not Affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Michael James (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Neil Prior (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Neil Prior (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
6 New Destination Management Plan (DMP) and Alternative Delivery Model
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Y Cyng Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Huw George (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Anthony Baron (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Michael James (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Michael James (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Huw George (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Michael Evans (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Michael Evans (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Michael Evans (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Michael James (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Huw George (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Huw George (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Michael Evans (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Anthony Baron (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
8 Local Development Plan 2 (2017-2033) - Deposit Plan Consultation
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Huw George (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Ms. Sara Morris (Development Plans & Conservation Manager)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Michael James (Independent Group)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Y Cyng Michael Evans (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Michael James (Independent Group)
Ms. Sara Morris (Development Plans & Conservation Manager)
Mr Bob Smith (Principal Planning Officer)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Anthony Baron (Conservative Group)
Ms. Sara Morris (Development Plans & Conservation Manager)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Ms. Sara Morris (Development Plans & Conservation Manager)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
9 Forward Work Programme 2019-20
- ., yn agor mewn tab newydd
- 19 September 2019 - English, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- 19 September 2019 - Welsh, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Public Submission/Correspondence, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Appendix/Atodiad, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Community Asset Transfer Policy, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Appendix/Atodiad, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- New Destination Management Plan (DMP) and Alternative Delivery Model, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Summary report of the Head of Cultural, Leisure, Tourism and Registration Services, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Appendix/Atodiad 1, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Appendix/Atodiad 2, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Communication Review, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Appendix/Atodiad, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Local Development Plan 2 (2017-2033) - Deposit Plan Consultation, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Report of the Development Plans and Conservation Manager, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Appendix/Atodiad 1, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Forward Work Programme 2019-20, yn agor mewn tab newydd
- Appendix/Atodiad, yn agor mewn tab newydd