Urgency Committee - Monday 30 March 2020, 10:00am - Cyngor Sir Penfro
Urgency Committee
Dydd Llun, 30 Mawrth 2020 at 10:00am
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
Dechrau'r gweddarllediad
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
1 Apologies for Absence
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
2 Election of Chairman for the Ensuing Municipal Year
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
3 Election of Vice-Chairman for the Ensuing Municipal Year
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Y Cyng Diane Clements (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
4 Declarations of Interest
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
5 Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
5 a) 22 November 2018 - English
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
5 b) 22 November 2018 - Welsh
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
6 To make temporary changes in light of the impact of Covid-19 to the scheme of delegation so that the functions listed on pages 106 to 108 of the Constitution currently delegated to the Planning Committee be delegated to the Director of Community Services and his authorised Officers.
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Dr Steven Jones (Director of Community Services)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Y Cyng Diane Clements (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Y Cyng Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Y Cyng Michael Williams (Plaid Cymru Group)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Y Cyng Diane Clements (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Y Cyng Diane Clements (Conservative Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Y Cyng Diane Clements (Conservative Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Diane Clements (Conservative Group)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Y Cyng Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Y Cyng Michael Williams (Plaid Cymru Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Y Cyng Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Michael Evans (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Y Cyng Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Eitem ar y rhaglen :
6 To make temporary changes in light of the impact of Covid-19 to the scheme of delegation so that the functions listed on pages 106 to 108 of the Constitution currently delegated to the Planning Committee be delegated to the Director of Community Services and his authorised Officers.
Rhannu'r pwynt hwn ar y rhaglen
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Y Cyng Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Y Cyng Michael Williams (Plaid Cymru Group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Y Cyng Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Mrs Susan Sanders (Committee Services Manager)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Y Cyng Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Y Cyng Paul Miller (Labour Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Y Cyng Michael Williams (Plaid Cymru Group)
Mr David Popplewell (Interim Head of Planning)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Y Cyng Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)
Y Cyng Jon Harvey (not affiliated to any group)