Schools and Learning Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Monday 15 July 2024, 10:00am - Pembrokeshire County Council
Schools and Learning Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Monday, 15th July 2024 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Rhys Jordan
Agenda item :
1 Election of Vice-Chair for the ensuing Municipal Year
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Agenda item :
1 Election of Vice-Chair for the ensuing Municipal Year
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Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Huw Murphy
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Agenda item :
3 Declarations of Interest
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Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
James Parkin (PGR)
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
James Parkin (PGR)
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Huw Murphy
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Agenda item :
4 Minutes of the previous meeting
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Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Agenda item :
5 Action Log Update
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Director for Education
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Director for Education
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Isabelle Moorhouse
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Agenda item :
6 Public Submission / Correspondence
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Agenda item :
7 Forward Work Programme
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Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Huw Murphy
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Guy Woodham
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Agenda item :
8 School Scrutiny Panel Visit - Ysgol Harri Tudur
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Cllr Rhys Jordan
Director for Education
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Director for Education
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Dean Philpin
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Dean Philpin
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Marc Tierney
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Director for Education
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Director for Education
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Huw Murphy
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Agenda item :
9 Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
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Cllr Rhys Jordan
Rob Davies
Jennifer Harding-Richards
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr David Howlett
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Director for Education
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Director for Education
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Director for Education
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Director for Education
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Anji Tinley
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Anji Tinley
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Anji Tinley
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Anji Tinley
Director for Education
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Director for Education
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Director for Education
Cllr Anji Tinley
Jennifer Harding-Richards
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Anji Tinley
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Marc Tierney
Jennifer Harding-Richards
Cllr Marc Tierney
Director for Education
Cllr Marc Tierney
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Rob Davies
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Jennifer Harding-Richards
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Rob Davies
Cllr Rhys Jordan
James Parkin (PGR)
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Agenda item :
10 School Finances
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Dean Philpin
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Dean Philpin
Dean Philpin
Dean Philpin
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Dean Philpin
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Dean Philpin
Dean Philpin
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Director for Education
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Dean Philpin
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Huw Murphy
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Director for Education
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr David Howlett
Dean Philpin
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Dean Philpin
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Agenda item :
10 School Finances
Agenda item :
11 Section 175 Report
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Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Huw Murphy
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Huw Murphy
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Director for Education
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Director for Education
Cllr Rhys Jordan
James Parkin (PGR)
Cllr Rhys Jordan
James Parkin (PGR)
Director for Education
Cllr Rhys Jordan
James Parkin (PGR)
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Director for Education
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Marc Tierney
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Director for Education
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Marc Tierney
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Huw Murphy
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Agenda item :
12 School Transport Overview
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Owen Roberts
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr David Howlett
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Owen Roberts
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Owen Roberts
Cllr David Howlett
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Marc Tierney
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Director for Education
Owen Roberts
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Head of Infrastructure
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Huw Murphy
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Owen Roberts
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Huw Murphy
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Agenda item :
13 Appointment to School Scrutiny Panel
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Cllr Huw Murphy
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Huw Murphy
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Marc Tierney
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Cllr Marc Tierney
Cllr Rhys Jordan
Webcast Finished
- Action Log cover report, opens in new tab
- Appendix / Atodiad A, opens in new tab
- FWP cover report, opens in new tab
- Appendix / Atodiad A, opens in new tab
- OS Report - Scrutiny Panel Visit to Harri Tudur 21.03.24, opens in new tab
- RSE report - June 2024, opens in new tab
- School FInances, opens in new tab
- Appendix / Atodiad, opens in new tab
- Section 175 Report, opens in new tab
- Appedix / Atodiad A, opens in new tab
- Appendix / Atodiad B, opens in new tab
- Appendix / Atodiad C, opens in new tab
- Ammended Appendix / Atodiad Diwygio C, opens in new tab
- Overview of School Transport - Schools Overview and Scrutiny Committee 15th July FINAL, opens in new tab
- Schools OSC Appointment to SSP, opens in new tab
- Appendix / Atodiad 1, opens in new tab