Planning & Rights of Way Committee - Tuesday 3 October 2017, 10:00am - Slides Tab - Pembrokeshire County Council
Planning & Rights of Way Committee
Tuesday, 3rd October 2017 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
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Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Agenda item :
1 Non-Committee Members attending with Chairman's Consent (Committee Procedure Rule No. 10)
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Agenda item :
2 Apologies for absence
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Agenda item :
3 Declarations of Interest
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Cllr Myles Pepper (Independent Group)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Agenda item :
4 Minutes of the previous meeting
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Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Agenda item :
7 Planning Application No.17/0524/PA - Windberry Top Farm, Begelly, Kilgetty - Variation of conditions 4 (conversion of existing building prior to occupation of holiday accommodation), 12 (details of external materials) and 22 (intrusive site investigations) of planning permission ref.16/0301/PA (holiday caravan and camping park) to enable the development to be implemented on a phased basis
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Planning Officer
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr David Pugh (Independent Group)
Planning Officer
Mr David Popplewell (Interim Head of Planning)
Cllr David Pugh (Independent Group)
Mr David Popplewell (Interim Head of Planning)
Cllr David Pugh (Independent Group)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Agenda item :
6 Planning Application No.17/0422/PA - Site of Former Fishguard Junior School together with the land north of High Street, Fishguard - The Chimneys Link (Phase 2)
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Cllr Myles Pepper (Independent Group)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Planning Officer
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Pat Davies (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Pat Davies (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Public Speaker
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Public Speaker
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Planning Officer
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Planning Officer
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Public Speaker
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr David Pugh (Independent Group)
Public Speaker
Cllr David Pugh (Independent Group)
Public Speaker
Cllr David Pugh (Independent Group)
Public Speaker
Cllr David Pugh (Independent Group)
Public Speaker
Cllr David Pugh (Independent Group)
Planning Officer
Cllr David Pugh (Independent Group)
Planning Officer
Public Speaker
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Public Speaker
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Planning Officer
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Planning Officer
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr David Pugh (Independent Group)
Planning Officer
Cllr David Pugh (Independent Group)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Mark Carter (Conservative Group)
Planning Officer
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Planning Officer
Cllr Mark Carter (Conservative Group)
Planning Officer
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr David Popplewell (Interim Head of Planning)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Joshua Beynon (Labour Group)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr David Popplewell (Interim Head of Planning)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Aaron Carey (Conservative Group)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Agenda item :
8 Planning Application No.17/0553/PA - The Anchorage, 10, Front Street, Rosemarket, Milford Haven - Replacement retaining wall to garden
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Planning Officer
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Brian Hall (Independent Group)
Planning Officer
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Webcast Finished
- Pwyllgor Cynllunio A Hawliau Tramwy, opens in new tab
- Minutes , 05/09/2017 Planning & Rights of Way Committee, opens in new tab
- WELSH MINUTES 05.09.17, opens in new tab
- Member Role Report, opens in new tab
- ApplicationReportMap_17_0422_PA, opens in new tab
- 17-0422-PA Chimneys Link, opens in new tab
- ApplicationReportMap_17_0524_PA, opens in new tab
- 17-0524-PA - Folly Farm, opens in new tab
- ApplicationReportMap_17_0553_PA, opens in new tab
- 17-0553-PA The Anchorage, opens in new tab
- 3rd October Policies, opens in new tab