Audit Committee - Thursday 12 July 2018, 10:00am - Pembrokeshire County Council
Audit Committee
Thursday, 12th July 2018 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Agenda item :
1 Election of Chairman for the Ensuing Municipal Year
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Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Cllr Guy Woodham (Labour Group)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Cllr Michael James (Independent Group)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Cllr Cris Tomos (Plaid Cymru Group)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Agenda item :
2 Election of Vice-Chairman for the Ensuing Municipal Year
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Cllr Viv Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Anthony Baron (Conservative Group)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Cllr Guy Woodham (Labour Group)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Guy Woodham (Labour Group)
Agenda item :
3 Apologies for absence
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Agenda item :
4 Declarations of Interest
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Agenda item :
5 Minutes of Previous Meeting
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Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Michael James (Independent Group)
Mr Martin Veale
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Guy Woodham (Labour Group)
Mr Martin Veale
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Guy Woodham (Labour Group)
Jeremy Saunders, Wales Audit Office
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Cris Tomos (Plaid Cymru Group)
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Mr Martin Veale
Agenda item :
6 Review of Statement of Accounts 2017-18 (including WAO ISA 260)
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Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Cllr Anthony Baron (Conservative Group)
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Mr Ian Eynon (Head of Finance & Business Services)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Mr Martin Veale
Anthony Veale - Wales Audit Office
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Ian Eynon (Head of Finance & Business Services)
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Cllr Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Anthony Veale - Wales Audit Office
Mr Martin Veale
Anthony Veale - Wales Audit Office
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Ian Eynon (Head of Finance & Business Services)
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Michael James (Independent Group)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Ian Eynon (Head of Finance & Business Services)
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Ian Eynon (Head of Finance & Business Services)
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Martin Veale
Agenda item :
7 Head of Internal Audit Assurance Opinion 2017-18
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Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Martin Veale
Agenda item :
8 Annual Governance Statement 2017 - 18
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Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Anthony Baron (Conservative Group)
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Cllr Anthony Baron (Conservative Group)
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Anthony Veale - Wales Audit Office
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Martin Veale
Agenda item :
9 Counter Fraud, Corruption & Bribery Policy Statement & Strategy 2018-21
Share this agenda point
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Mr Martin Veale
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Cris Tomos (Plaid Cymru Group)
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Martin Veale
Agenda item :
10 Anti-Money Laundering Policy
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Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Anthony Baron (Conservative Group)
Mr Martin Veale
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Cllr Anthony Baron (Conservative Group)
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Cris Tomos (Plaid Cymru Group)
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Anthony Baron (Conservative Group)
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Michael James (Independent Group)
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Agenda item :
11 Business Risk Management Strategy 2018-21
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Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Cris Tomos (Plaid Cymru Group)
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Martin Veale
Agenda item :
12 Corporate Risk Register Quarter 1 2018-19
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Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Anthony Baron (Conservative Group)
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Martin Veale
Agenda item :
13 Internal Audit Plan 2018-19
Share this agenda point
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Michael James (Independent Group)
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Cllr Michael James (Independent Group)
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Martin Veale
Agenda item :
14 Wales Audit Office Reports (National & Local)
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Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Alison Lewis - Wales Audit Office
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Alison Lewis - Wales Audit Office
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Alison Lewis - Wales Audit Office
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Cllr Bob Kilmister (Liberal Democrat)
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Alison Lewis - Wales Audit Office
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Martin Veale
Alison Lewis - Wales Audit Office
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Viv Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Martin Veale
Alison Lewis - Wales Audit Office
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Guy Woodham (Labour Group)
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Martin Veale
Agenda item :
15 Wales Audit Office Work Programme Update
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Alison Lewis - Wales Audit Office
Mr Martin Veale
Jeremy Saunders, Wales Audit Office
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Martin Veale
Agenda item :
16 Wales Audit Office 'Review of Whistleblowing and Grievance Policies and Procedures' Action Plan
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Mr Ceri Davies (Head of Human Resources)
Cllr Viv Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Martin Veale
Alison Lewis - Wales Audit Office
Mr Martin Veale
Alison Lewis - Wales Audit Office
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Alison Lewis - Wales Audit Office
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Alison Lewis - Wales Audit Office
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Alison Lewis - Wales Audit Office
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Martin Veale
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Cllr Viv Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Ceri Davies (Head of Human Resources)
Cllr Viv Stoddart (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Ceri Davies (Head of Human Resources)
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Martin Veale
Agenda item :
17 Whistleblowing Lessons Learned (requested attendance of the Director of Children & Schools)
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Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Martin Veale
Mrs Kate Evan-Hughes (Director for Children and Schools)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mrs Kate Evan-Hughes (Director for Children and Schools)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mrs Kate Evan-Hughes (Director for Children and Schools)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mrs Kate Evan-Hughes (Director for Children and Schools)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mrs Kate Evan-Hughes (Director for Children and Schools)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mrs Kate Evan-Hughes (Director for Children and Schools)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mrs Kate Evan-Hughes (Director for Children and Schools)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mrs Kate Evan-Hughes (Director for Children and Schools)
Mrs Claire Incledon (Head of Legal and Democratic Services)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Ian Westley (Chief Executive)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mrs Kate Evan-Hughes (Director for Children and Schools)
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mrs Kate Evan-Hughes (Director for Children and Schools)
Mr Martin Veale
Mrs Kate Evan-Hughes (Director for Children and Schools)
Mr Ian Westley (Chief Executive)
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Martin Veale
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Ian Westley (Chief Executive)
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Martin Veale
Richard Edwards Principal Finance & Transformation Officer
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Richard Edwards Principal Finance & Transformation Officer
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Richard Edwards Principal Finance & Transformation Officer
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Richard Edwards Principal Finance & Transformation Officer
Mr Martin Veale
Richard Edwards Principal Finance & Transformation Officer
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Anthony Baron (Conservative Group)
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Guy Woodham (Labour Group)
Mr Ian Westley (Chief Executive)
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Martin Veale
Agenda item :
18 Audit Committee Forward Work Programme
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Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Mr Jonathan Haswell (Director of Resources)
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Mr Martin Veale
Cllr Jacob Williams (Not affiliated to any Group)
Ms. Joanne Hendy (Governance, Complaints & Information Manage
Mr Martin Veale
Webcast Finished
- Welsh Agenda Items - Eitemau Agenda Cymraeg, opens in new tab
- English Minutes , 23/03/2018 Audit Committee, opens in new tab
- Welsh Minutes , 23/03/2018 Audit Committee, opens in new tab
- Review of Statement of Accounts 2017-18 (including WAO ISA 260), opens in new tab
- Appendix/Atodiad A, opens in new tab
- Appendix/Atodiad B, opens in new tab
- Head of Internal Audit Assurance Opinion 2017-18, opens in new tab
- Annual Governance Statement Statement 2017 - 18, opens in new tab
- Appendix/Atodiad 1, opens in new tab
- Counter Fraud, Corruption & Bribery Policy Statement & Strategy 2018-21, opens in new tab
- Appendix/Atodiad A, opens in new tab
- Anti-Money Laundering Policy, opens in new tab
- Appendix/Atodiad A, opens in new tab
- Business Risk Management Strategy 2018-21, opens in new tab
- Appendix/Atodiad A, opens in new tab
- Corporate Risk Register Quarter 1 2018-19, opens in new tab
- Appendix/Atodiad A, opens in new tab
- Internal Audit Plan 2018-19, opens in new tab
- Wales Audit Office Reports (National & Local), opens in new tab
- Appendix/Atodiad 1, opens in new tab
- Wales Audit Office Work Programme Update, opens in new tab
- Appendix/Atodiad A, opens in new tab
- Wales Audit Office 'Review of Whistleblowing and Grievance Policies and Procedures' Action Plan, opens in new tab
- Appendix/Atodiad A, opens in new tab
- Whistleblowing Lessons Learned (requested attendance of the Director of Children & Schools), opens in new tab
- Audit Committee Forward Work Programme, opens in new tab